Comparing Different Types of Industrial Sliding Door Tracks

Industrial sliding door tracks are essential components in various commercial and industrial settings. They provide the necessary support and guidance for sliding doors, ensuring smooth and efficient operation. Understanding the different types of sliding door tracks available can help you make an informed decision for your specific needs. In this article, we will compare various types of industrial sliding door tracks, highlighting their unique features and applications.

Overhead Sliding Door Tracks

Overhead sliding door tracks are among the most common types used in industrial settings. These tracks are mounted above the door, allowing the door to slide horizontally along the track. One of the main advantages of overhead sliding door tracks is that they keep the floor space clear, which is crucial in environments where floor space is at a premium.

Overhead sliding door tracks are ideal for heavy-duty applications, such as in warehouses, factories, and large storage facilities. They can support substantial door weights, making them suitable for heavy sliding doors. Additionally, these tracks are designed to be durable and long-lasting, capable of withstanding the rigors of industrial use.

Bottom Rolling Sliding Door Tracks

Bottom rolling sliding door tracks, as the name suggests, are installed at the bottom of the door. The door is supported by hangers that roll along the track, providing smooth and stable movement. This type of track is particularly useful in situations where overhead space is limited or where the ceiling cannot support the weight of the door.

Bottom rolling sliding door tracks are commonly used in agricultural buildings, stables, and other environments where large, heavy doors are required. They offer excellent stability and can handle significant door weights. However, it is essential to ensure that the floor is level and free of debris to maintain smooth operation.

Wall-Mounted Sliding Door Tracks

Wall-mounted sliding door tracks are installed directly onto the wall, allowing the door to slide parallel to the wall. This type of track is often used in spaces where floor and ceiling installations are not feasible. Wall-mounted tracks are versatile and can be used for both interior and exterior sliding doors.

These tracks are suitable for a variety of applications, including office partitions, conference room dividers, and architectural spaces. They offer a sleek and modern appearance, making them an excellent choice for settings where aesthetics are important. Additionally, wall-mounted sliding door tracks are relatively easy to install and can be customized to fit specific door sizes and weights.

Heavy-Duty Sliding Door Tracks

Heavy-duty sliding door tracks are designed to handle extremely heavy doors, often found in industrial and commercial settings. These tracks are built to support substantial weights and provide reliable performance even under demanding conditions. Heavy-duty tracks are typically made from robust materials, such as galvanized steel, to ensure durability and longevity.

Applications for heavy-duty sliding door tracks include airport hangers, large storage facilities, and industrial buildings. These tracks can support doors weighing up to 500 kg or more, making them suitable for the most challenging environments. When selecting a heavy-duty sliding door track, it is essential to consider the specific weight and size requirements of your door to ensure optimal performance.

Fire Door Sliding Tracks

Fire door sliding tracks are specialized tracks designed to meet the stringent requirements of fire-rated sliding doors. These tracks are engineered to provide reliable operation while maintaining the fire-resistant properties of the door. Fire door sliding tracks are essential in environments where fire safety is a priority, such as commercial and industrial facilities, public administration buildings, and ships.

Fire door sliding tracks must comply with specific fire safety standards and regulations. They are typically made from high-quality materials that can withstand high temperatures and prevent the spread of fire. When selecting a fire door sliding track, it is crucial to ensure that it meets the necessary fire safety certifications and is compatible with your fire-rated door.


Choosing the right type of industrial sliding door track is essential for ensuring the smooth and efficient operation of your sliding doors. Each type of track offers unique features and benefits, making them suitable for different applications. Whether you need an overhead track for heavy-duty use, a bottom rolling track for stable support, a wall-mounted track for versatile installations, a heavy-duty track for extreme weights, or a fire door track for enhanced safety, understanding the options available will help you make an informed decision.

At Helaform, we are committed to providing high-quality sliding door track systems that meet the diverse needs of our customers. Our extensive range of products ensures that you can find the perfect solution for your specific requirements. For more information on our sliding door track systems, please visit our website or contact us directly.